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Meeting the Needs of Families

Many families of children with hearing loss face agonizing decisions – pay rent or purchase a hearing aid?

While Medicaid and private insurance can help, many families find themselves stuck in the middle – too much income to qualify for Medicaid, too little income for private insurance to pay for costs associated with their child’s hearing needs.  And, increasingly, private insurance isn’t covering hearing loss.


Experts have proven that early intervention and consistent therapeutic services are critical for children with hearing loss and those who are deaf/hard of hearing.  But every family doesn’t have the resources to take advantage of all Georgia has to offer – top notch hearing-health medical experts, institutions like the Atlanta Speech School and the Auditory-Verbal Center, the list goes on. 


JCCF staff and volunteers include parents of children with hearing loss, audiologists, teachers and others who are uniquely positioned to understand the needs of a family and help connect them with obtain financial support.


To date, JCCF has helped more than 60+ families and more than 300+ children with financial assistance ranging from paying for transportation to/from school and appointments, school tuition, hearing aids, hearing aid batteries and cochlear implants.  The Foundation even helped DeKalb County ensure its students with hearing loss got to school on time by providing alarm clocks that shake to wake them up!


We hope you read some of our touching stories below!

JCCF Families

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